Download The Christian Opinion Panel Report 2019 For Free!
Over the past 4 years, our research has enabled us to join-the-dots between TV viewing habits and charitable giving behaviour. This research has enabled us to gain a much more in-depth understanding of how Christians donate, how often they donate, what kind of causes they support and much more.
Our brand new 2019 survey is made up of hundreds of UK Christians and delivers valuable insights into their giving habits.
Download the report for free now!
Download The Christian Opinion Panel Report 2019 For Free!
Over the past 4 years, our research has enabled us to join-the-dots between TV viewing habits and charitable giving behaviour. This research has enabled us to gain a much more in-depth understanding of how Christians donate, how often they donate, what kind of causes they support and much more.
Our brand new 2019 survey is made up of hundreds of UK Christians and delivers valuable insights into their giving habits.
Download the report for free now!
“Christianity is the largest religion in the UK according to the 2011 Census. Over 33 million (59.3 percent of the UK population) confirmed they were Christians when asked, ‘what is your religion?’. For many charitable organisations it is an untapped audience and one which they struggle to effectively engage and connect with.”
“Our experience and insight into the UK Christian population, their media habits and donation patterns, shows that, with the right message through the right channel, charities and churches can successfully reach and engage with this large donor base”.
Some Of The Questions We Asked
Do you give to charity?
How frequently do you give to charity?
How many charities do you regularly support?
What sort of causes do you support?
How did you come to hear about the causes you support?
How do you donate to charities?
What is your preferred method of donation?
Have you ever donated online?
Have you ever donated by text?
On average, how much do you give to charities per month, excluding your church?
Do you Gift Aid your donation?
Has any uncertainty caused by Brexit affected the amount you give to charity?
How important to you is the act of giving to your church?
How frequently do you give to your church?
On average, how much do you give to your church per donation?
Do you tithe your salary?
And many more!
We also include in-depth demographic information, containing incredibly useful and actionable data points, such as gender, age, region, education, employment, annual income, household size and many more.

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